
Conroe Art League
127 Simonton St, Conroe,
Texas 77301


Tuesday thru Saturday:
11:00 am - 4:00 pm




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Donation / Sponsorship Levels

SPONSOR - $250+

Be a Sponsor of CAL and get updates on all our upcoming events.

BRONZE - $500+

  • 20% discount on one piece of art - $500 or less - purchased in the gallery
  • Listing in all CAL website and literature as Bronze Sponsor
  • Personal invitation to all Artists Receptions

SILVER - $1,000+

  • 20% discount on one piece of art - $1,000 or less - purchased in the gallery
  • Listing in all CAL website and literature as Silver Sponsor
  • Personal invitation to all Artists Receptions

GOLD - $2,500+

  • Opportunity to be named as one of the sponsors of CAL Special Event
  • 20% discount on one piece of art - $2,500 or less - purchased in the gallery
  • Listing in all CAL website and literature as Gold Sponsor,
  • Personal invitation to all Artists Receptions

PLATINUM - $5,000+

  • Opportunity to be named the Primary Sponsor of CAL Special Event
  • 20% discount on one piece of art - $5,000 or less - purchased in the gallery
  • Listing in all CAL website and literature as Platinum Sponsor
  • Personal invitation to all Artists Receptions
Your donation is tax deductible. For more details contact Donna Desforges at caltreasurer@conroeartleague.com

If you would like your donation to go to a specific purpose, please indicate your desire in the space provided below.  If you would like to make a donation to keep the monthly Juan Cantavella Award program in place, please indicate "JC Award" in the donation purpose section below.

If you would like to make a donation in memory of an individual, please indicate their name in the donation purpose section below.

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Contact's Zip Code
ZIP CODE is needed here for Grant Purposes.
Member's Alternate Phone
*Amount ($USD)
*Donation Purpose
*Donor's Address

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